Monday, July 30, 2012

One Week

Yes that is correct, I have just one week left of Insanity.  Up to this point, I haven't missed one single workout.  I am so proud of myself for that fact alone.  I haven't lost as much weight as I had hoped I would.  But that's okay.  I have much more stamina, enough to get through an hour of Insanity.  And yes I take "unscheduled" breaks.  I can't go completely through every exercise and not take a moment to catch my breath.  But I can do more now then when I started.  I can even make it though the warm-up without stopping.  So there is plenty of improvement there.  I also wore a pair of scrubs today that I couldn't wear before.  They were way to tight around my mid-section.  Mainly cause my paints caused me to have a muffin top (yuck!).  Well today I wore them with no problems.  Yes I have a little bit more to go before they look really good, but hey every small accomplishment counts in my book!

It's those small accomplishments that make me want to keep going.  It's when I don't have to tell my daughter, "Mommy is too tired right now, lets run around later."  It's getting to work and feeling full of energy, and being ready to take on the day.  It's fitting into a skirt and having a little bit of extra room.  It's hearing my little girl cheer me on, "You can do it Mommy."  "Yeah Mommy, you did it!"  Those are just a few of the things that keep me going back for more every day.

Speaking of going back for more, only one more week till I start P90X.  August 7th is the start date right now.  I am having a tough time deciding if that is when I want to start or not.  Here is the dilemma:  Starting on a Tuesday puts Yoga X on Friday.  So what's the problem?  Well i am already getting up around 4am now to do insanity.  So that means I will have to get up at 330am.  Okay, so still what's the problem?  Now that I see it written down, it doesn't seem to be so much of a problem.  It's only an extra 30 min earlier.  And I am going to have to get up earlier anyways to get in the other dvd's and ABRipper X together.  So I guess 330 really won't be that bad.  I mean it two months I went from getting up at 540am and rushing to get ready, skipping breakfast, to getting up at 4am, working out, and eating breakfast, and another snack at work.  Kind-of funny how things change.

I guess that my bed time will really have to be 9pm from now on.  Or more like 830pm.  Well that's not so different from now, I already go to bed at 9pm now.  Ha Ha.  Writing it out puts a lot of stuff in perspective.

But I could start on Wednesday and have Yoga X on Saturday.  But that is the one day that my husband gets to sleep in.  Well okay, compared to me he sleeps in every day.  But I do it as a favor to him so he can get ready for work in peace and not have to run around after our little girl.  He already watches her if I am downstairs working out, unless she is down there working out with me.  Nah, I think I'll keep things as planned.  Plus I am afraid if I don't go ahead and start on Tuesday, I will keep putting off starting.  And I'll be out of my routine.  I don't like to sleep in too many mornings, especially since I get up so early during the week.  well I will just have to see how it goes.

Well I guess that's all for now.  I will check back in and maybe post results from my final fit test next Monday.  And now for the best picture!
Ready To Workout With Mommy!
I love this picture and I am so glad that, at two and a half, she wants to exercise.  I love that I am setting a good example for her!  I hope that I can continue to be that good example and always keep pushing play!

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